
Using Servant 领导 as an Antidote to the Campus Culture of Protests

心 & 灵魂

在这篇反思的文章中,最初发表于 爱护校园 2024年5月15日 Dr. 格里高利Rummo, 十大赌博网站(PBA)化学教授, 分享他前往秘鲁安第斯山脉传教的经历. 他已经与威克里夫圣经翻译公司进行了20次长途跋涉. 两年前. Rummo and a group of PBA students spent time with the Indigenous Quechua people in four remote Andean villages. 当他们与每个村庄的友谊结束时, the students handed out Bibles—translated into the Quechua language—to each person.

These trips are not mere excursions but engagements that reflect the heart of Christ and the development of true servant leaders. 他的文章提醒我们,作为基督的跟随者, 我们总是有机会产生真正的影响. Students traded the comfort of their everyday lives for tents in the rugged landscapes of Peru to share the Good 新闻 with remote communities. Dr. Rummo挑战了当前的校园抗议文化, 提倡为他人服务的生活, 谦卑, 和感激. His article emphasizes the unique educational experiences outside traditional classroom settings but also calls for a reorientation toward servant leadership and compassionate engagement.

这就是成为 耶稣的手和脚.


“But ye shall receive power after the Holy Ghost is come upon you; and ye shall be witnesses unto Me both in Jerusalem, 并在犹太全地和撒玛利亚, 直到地极.——使徒行传1:8

As a college professor concerned with the broadening of my students’ compassionate understanding of oppressed people in other parts of the world, 过去几周,我一直在帮忙策划一个营地.

My students and I will spend our nights in tents that I personally purchased specifically for this event. They were expensive tents—Eureka K2-XT Extreme tents—the kind that people 谁 summit Everest take with them.

But unlike the puerile nonsense you see playing out on your television screens at places like Columbia University and the University of California Los Angeles (UCLA), 我们的学生营地不会暴力. 这不是抗议. We’re not protesting anything—although I suppose one could make the case that we’re protesting Satan’s grip on a largely ignored and impoverished people group living in remote villages in the Andes Mountains.

在过去的24年里, I have trekked along different circuits through the Peruvian Andes on scripture promotion treks with a group of Wycliffe Bible Translators a total of twenty times. 我已经认识并爱上了这群敬业的人, 住在华拉士的全职传教士和传福音者, 120人的城市,000坐落在Callejon de Huaylas, the huge valley that splits the Peruvian Andes into two mountain ranges—the Cordillera Blanca and Negra.

This year’s trip will be my twenty-first and fourth such adventure with students since I came to teach at 十大赌博网站 in 2018.

两年前, 在一次这样的旅行中, shortly after setting up our tents in a field outside a school in the village of Conopa Alta, 好奇的当地人开始涌入. 一场足球赛爆发了:是PBA对PBA. 秘鲁——海拔11350英尺! (奇迹般地,我们赢了!).  一群音乐家演奏传统的克丘亚曲调. 我们都跳舞,直到吃晚饭的时间, our chef having whipped up an amazing three-course meal in a tent no larger than 150 square feet.

That evening the entire village came out to our campsite to watch “The Jesus Film” in the drafty school building. 电影结束后,一位福音传道者向人群讲话. Another played music on a harp and sang a folk tune in the Quechua’s native language.


I spoke first in Spanish, explaining 谁 we were and why we had come to Peru. 然后,其余的人一个接一个地介绍了自己. 两个学生说西班牙语. Adelid Yanac, 谁, 还有他的妻子瑞秋, 每年都带领这些长途跋涉, 其余的翻译成了克丘亚语. 接着,康诺帕阿尔塔的市长说话了, 感谢我们的到来, 最后叫出每个家庭成年成员的名字, 谁 then picked their way through the crowd to the front of the room and were presented a Bible by one of the students.

“¡Qué 上帝保佑你! )愿上帝保佑你!) each of us said as we placed a copy of the Bible into each person’s hands. “¡很多谢谢! was the reply, accompanied by joyful expressions on the faces of all. 会议随后不久结束. 我们筋疲力尽,就上床睡觉了.

After breakfast the next morning, we departed on foot for what was to be a seven-hour hike. 第一个, it was down into the valley below us on a steep gravel-strewn trail, 然后穿过一个接近14的山口,000英尺, where we paused—some four hours later—for lunch and to take in the spectacular view. We continued down the other side to the second village on our circuit, Yegua畜栏, 那天晚上我们在哪里重播节目. 第二天, 又走了7个小时, 我们到达了卡瓦卡沙村, 我们第三次重复这个程序,然后, 随后, 第二天晚上在奥克沙潘帕村.

We gave out approximately 450 Bibles in those four villages to a people group that God loves as much as He loves you and me. The Quechua in these villages had never seen a copy of the Word of God in their own language.

In 2023, another group of nine students and I repeated this performance along a different route in the Huaylas Valley. 与一年前的旅行类似,我们参观了五个村庄. 在回瓦拉斯的路上, our bus stopped a half-dozen times at schools in small villages that dotted the highway. We spoke to the teachers and students and gave them Bibles and Bible storybooks. On this trip, we were able to distribute almost 700 Bibles and 100 Bible story books.

I don’t know what the hell professors in places like Columbia University and UCLA are indoctrinating their students with—and I do not use the term “hell” loosely—but it sure seems like they have ginned up a spirit of victimhood, 权利, 以及对美国和西方的仇恨.

在这方面,我想成为反主流文化. 我希望我的学生们有天意. I want to imbue them with a spirit of 谦卑, gratitude, and servant leadership. I want them to want to make a difference in the lives of the people 谁m God brings into their paths—whether here, 在我们的耶路撒冷, 可以这么说, 或者在“地极”.”

